School Uniform

The required school uniform is:
Grey trousers, shorts, dresses and skirts
Grey knitted v neck jumper or cardigan
White school shirts
Black school shoes or plain black trainers
Plain socks or tights
Blue and white gingham or striped dress for summer (optional)

Additional items
School Tie -purchased at a subsidised cost from school (also available at full cost from Classworx and School Trends)
School Navy Blazer with logo -purchased at a subsidised cost from school (also available at full cost from Classworx and School Trends)

Both items are items are given free of charge on admission (subsequent items are at subsidised parental cost)

PE kit
All children are expected to take part in these PE with their class.  If there is a medical reason for your child to be excused, please send a note to the teacher explaining the situation.  The clothing, which we would like you to provide, is as follows: 
Hall Lesson   Navy, black or grey shorts and white tee-shirts
Children are encouraged to do their gymnastic work in bare feet.  Parents can of course supply pumps for dance lessons, but trainers are unsuitable for gymnastics. 
Outside Lesson   Shorts, long sleeve t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms (preferably black, navy or grey) and outdoor training shoes 
Swimming   Swimming costume/trunks and towel should be brought in a bag. Shorts should be above knee height and one piece costumes only for girls (no bikini style costumes).
In cold weather, the children may bring extra jumpers or tracksuits.