Coming Soon...
What we got up to last year . . .
Drama Club Performance 9th July 2024
Drama club were fantastic in their live performance of Murder at Haynes Manor.
PTA Disco February 2024
Family Internet Safety Quiz 9th February 2024
Pupils joined their families and took part in our Family internet Safety Quiz which was part of activities for Internet Safety Day. We would like to thank all those that took part and helped to make such an important topic fun. Congratulations to those who won a prize.
PTA'S Children's Movie Night 26th January 2024
What a fantastic way for the PTA to start the new year by holding another fantastic move night for the children . The children (and Staff) had a fantastic time watching the Movie whilst also enjoying popcorn, pizza and hotdogs.
Buxton Crescent Experience 18th January 2024
Our school council visited the Buxton Crescent experience where they undertook primary research to support their current project; sourcing a water fountain for the school. They found the source of the spring water and traced it all the way back to FEJS.
Christmas Service 20th December 2024
St Peters Church didn't let the bad weather get in the way and came into school to deliver our Christmas Service. Year 3 and 5 delivered readings, year 4 read poems and the school choir sang an array of carols and Christmas songs beautifully.
Reading Workshop On 13th December 2023
Mrs Hewson hosted a reading workshop for all the families within our school community. This gave family members useful information and tips on how to support your child with their reading at home. It was very well attended and we hope they enjoyed it as much as we did and found it useful.
The Gables 13th December 2023
The school choir visited the The Gables this week where they were invited to sing to the residents. The choir were brilliant and really enjoyed the experience.
Choir at St John's Sunday 10th December 2023
The choir sang at St John's on Sunday evening alongside Buxton Musical Society.
Queens Court 7th December 2023
Our Mini Police for Kindness week visited Queens Court where they sang Christmas songs to the residents.
Christmas Tree Light Switch On 4th December 2023
The school PTA organised a Christmas Tree Light switch on event. which was attended by staff, pupils and their families. Fun in the snow was enjoyed by all as well as the hot chocolates and mince pies. Congratulations to all those who won a prize on our raffle
Visit from Bishop of Repton, Rt Revd Malcolm Macnaughhton 28th November 2023
In collective worship this week we have been hearing all about saint's and thinking about what we can learn from their work. The children (and staff) loved the visit from the Bishop of Repton, Rt Revd Malcolm Macnaughton. He spent time in school visiting all the classes and taught us all about St collective worship.
PTA Children's Movie Night 24th November 2023
The PTA held there very first movie night which saw all the school community come together and enjoy an evening of film, popcorn, sweets, hotdogs or pizza and drinks.
Knife Crime Assembly November 2023
Thank you to the safer neighbourhood team who came in and ran a fantastic session on knife crime to our year 5 and 6 children.
Anti-Bullying BBC Teach Live Lesson: Make A Noise
As part of our Anti Bullying week activities the children took part in a BBC Teach live lesson: Make a Noise. They were joined by Dr Ronx from Operation Ouch! They explored how to: spot bullying behaviour; identify the differences between banter and bullying behaviour and how to speak up when they see it.
Anti-Bullying Week - Odd Sock Day
On Monday 13th November children and staff showed their support for this years Anti-Bullying week: 'Make Noise About Bullying' by wearing odd socks. The odd socks represent that we are all different and unique. It was great to see so many of the children and staff wearing odd socks.
Autumn Disco October 23rd 2023
Fairfield Endowed c of e Junior School PTA would like to say a big thank you to all those who attended the end of term disco and made it a great success, the children really enjoyed themselves. We look forward to seeing you at our next event.
Tea and Talk Event October 13th 2023
A massive thank you to all parents and carers who attended our Tea and Talk Mental Health event today, promoting "Mental Health is a Universal Right". Many thanks to our families, Buxton Citizens Advice, our local PCSO's, Build Sound Minds, Buxton Samaritans and High Peak CVS for making the afternoon a great success.
Parents Online Safety Event October 6th 2023
The schools Head Children and Prefects designed and presented online safety training to parents, to make them aware of the dangers of being online and how to keep their children safe in the world of technology.
MacMillan Coffee Afternoon September 29th 2023
We would like to say a big thank you to all those that bought in cakes and donated to our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon. Everyone who attended had a lovely afternoon with lots of cake to choose from and enjoy. We raised £130 for the charity, thank you again for your support.