Fairfield Endowed C of E Junior School

Boarstone Lane, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 7NA

01298 22551

Fairfield Endowed C of E Junior School

Happy. Proud. Successful.

Year 6

Please read the Year 6 Newsletter to find out everything your child will be learning this term. 

Here are a few of the exciting things that Year 6 have been doing this year...

First Day back in Year 6

Welcome to all the new Year 6s. It is an exciting time to be the top of the school at last and to be getting ready for the transition to Secondary school with all the possibilities this entails. It is at this time of year when thoughts turn to the future and the children's hopes, dreams and aspirations. A few of our children already have definite plans.

“I have the ambition to be a marine biologist and I know I must work hard to do that!”- J

“I want to play football. If I want to achieve my ambition I know I need to put it a lot of effort”- M

“I want your job- a teacher! Or an artist! That’s my ambition”- J

Salford Museum and Lark Place

The children visited Salford Museum to link with their topic about the Victorians. .  The children got to take part in an interactive Time Detective session lead by the museum where they got to look at what life would have been like in the Victorian times, finding out about different mystery objects from that era and what they would have been used for, they  also had time to explore the rest of the galleries at the museum.

RE Day

To assist with their RE topic on the complement or conflict between science and Christianity, we were glad to receive some Christian scientists in to school to discuss their beliefs and their work with the children. The children were encouraged to ask difficult questions and they delivered. Some of their questions were incredible and showed their developing understanding of their topic.

RE Trip - Derby Faith Trail

We were fortunate enough to visit the Derby Open Centre with Year 5 and Year 6 to experience other cultures and places of worship. We visited a Hindu Mandir (Temple) and a Mosque. The children were amazed by the decorations and atmosphere and were in awe of the experience in general (especially the softness and thickness of the Mosque carpet). Our children, as always, were incredibly well behaved and respectful. They listened intently and asked brilliant questions. The staff at the Open Centre were excellent in explaining the roles and functions of these places of worship and the children came away with a much better understanding of the differences and similarities between these religions and Christianity.

Maths number investigation

In Year 6 we have started the term with a big focus on exploring number in Maths. We have approached this in investigations, using concrete manipulatives to enhance our understanding of numbers so that they are not just an abstract topic. The children have loved doing this and have been incredibly creative.

Mini First Aid

The children had a fantastic day with Helen from Mini First Aid. They learnt to deal with bumps, burns, breaks and bleeding, carry out CPR and deal with choking.  The class was very hands on, lots of fun and has given children invaluable life saving skills.

Fire Safety Training

Today Y6 were fortunate to be visited by the community liaison from Buxton Fire Station to discuss fire safety. The children were taught how to spot fire hazards and completed a fire hazard jigsaw to help cement this understanding. They also planned out their A, B and C plans for a house fire and were warned of the consequences of arson and prank calls including the legal ramifications. The children were a credit to themselves with the level of maturity they showed in their questions and answers. As I am sure the children will tell you; PLEASE check your smoke alarms. Families can contact the helpline to enquire about further alarm checks by the community support officers.

Victorian day

To complete the Year 6 topic of Victorians we staged a Victorian day in Year 6. The children all played their part with many dressing up linked to our learning. We had already learnt about the life of a Victorian child and, alongside our class novel, Street Child, we had learnt about the different jobs and roles a Victorian child could do. We were very pleased to see the children come as many of these characters such as chimney sweeps, domestic servants, school children, street urchins and mill/ mine workers. Even the teachers got involved. We then held a Victorian afternoon parent event which was very well attended. Our children performed a song from Horrible Histories and, together with their parents, made Victorian peg dolls.

Year 6 Projects

During this term children have been encouraged to follow their personal interests related to their topic of Victorians to produce their own project. They have worked closely with their class teacher when necessary to provide ideas and regular checks however they have produced their projects independently at home. We were thrilled with the fantastic projects we received and thank the parents/ carers for their help with these. The children are rightfully proud of them, as are we.

Black History Month

This year's theme for Black History Month was 'Saluting our Sisters' and the theme of cultural diversity. We studied diversity in class and the children looked at the positives of diversity. As a year group, we decided to focus our assembly on a black Victorian woman, Mary Seacole. 'Mama' Seacole set up a hospital called the British Hotel, near Balaclava, in the Crimean War having been discriminated against and banned from helping. The children found her to be inspirational even though she faced much discrimination and hardships. The year 6s then led an assembly for the rest of the school to share what they had found out.

Buxton Environment and Climate Conference

Some of our year 6 pupils were lucky enough to take part in The Buxton Environment and Climate Conference. We had a thoroughly enjoyable day and came back to school with lots of ideas about looking after the Environment and climate. We will be inviting some of the  people we met, into school, to help us carry some of these ideas forward.